5 november, 2023




It is already November, the time to go inward, embracing the dark, for us at the Northern Hemisphere. Samhain, the Day of the Dead is NOW.

There are so much happening on our beloved Earth right now, it is easy to feel powerless, not knowing what to believe anymore, what to do?

Therefore, I decided to create these four rituals, or, they came to me, as an integrated part of my own dedicated practice of connecting to the elements.

I offer them for FREE, this month of November. I was first going to mail you the modules, but I decided to let you into the classroom online platform, where you can access the teachings when ever you want. Welcome in! You can enjoy the practices at your own time and place, just remember your password!

The Rituals are designed for you, so that you easily can connect and make your conscious choices and offerings and that way bring more light to the world. By clearing your own stories and shortcomings, stepping into power and balance, you will support the shift of awareness that the human collective need right now.


Deepen your connection to Nature and the Elements!

New course in the making that includes four elements’ rituals to bring into your practice.

I offer this preview for FREE; you just have to sign in and make an account.



Deepen your Movement Practice and Body Wisdom

with Movement Ritual Course


Connect ONE on ONE with me for coaching.

I have a wholistic perspective on healing and health. My approach is metaphysical. If you want to resolve any issue that requires deep body listening, I can serve you. We will work with the emotional intelligence of the body.



you are a precious drop in this OCEAN of LOVE

and YOU create ripple effects

by being TRUE to you HEART.