7 augusti, 2021

Embody presence

My offerings online


For two years now, I have been working on the online offerings that I now finally completed. It’s been a bumpy process, with lots of determination and guided inspiration, but also some difficulties, not only in the technicalities on getting everything right, but in a personal crisis. I can see now, how that crisis and growth, was necessary for the whole picture of what I was creating, to emerge.

This intense last process, is also why I have not been posting so much. I am quite certain that I am not the only one going through turmoils, and I hope you are all fine. The courses are made to support you too.

So, let me present the courses on Rewild Classroom:

Movement Ritual is designed for you to build or improve your own personal Body Movement Practice. Embodiment is the art of becoming, and my teachings have this spiritual perspective. We track sensations, in the spine, pelvis and neck as well as in the inner organs and the electromagnetic field around us. Classical Yoga Postures and The Five Elements of Qigong is combined with the playful Rewild Body Practice. You will learn how to master your energy, keep healthy and understand qi- lifeforce.

Body Awareness contains the signature Postural Alignment class, you will learn how to shift from inner to outer awareness, with yoga, qigong and physiotherapy.

Nature Connection is designed so that you can experience our interconnectedness with Nature. There is a spiritual activation available by merging with the elements. The classes are on the dashboard for you to keep and integrate along all seasons of the year.

I can tell you that these courses are of high value. The classes are short and precise, the instructions are pedagogically written with clarity, and there are downloadable PDFs for you to keep track of your progress.

If you are looking for an online course to do in your own time, to walk you through the Body Movements or Nature Connection skills, and the deeper layers of embodied practice, this is for you!

Thank you for being part of Rewild by Checking into my website!

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In Love and Devotion,
Anna Christie | Rewild