22 september, 2022
Autumn Equinox
True to you
During the summer you have been gathering energy, so full of insights and experiences to process, it is time to turn your energy inward. It’s a natural movement, a change of vibration.
At this time of the year, it is good to honour the change and embody it. If you have not begun tuning into the equilibrium of frequencies, please do.
The trees have already started drawing their energy into the roots, to rest there during winter. What can we learn from this?
Your personal reflections are true to you.
When you change perspective by drawing your energy inward, your experience shifts. Maybe you want to do things differently, in another pace. It is natural.
I invite you to feel your body. Let it sink heavy on the ground. Release the container for the summer energy into the ground. Offer it to the Earth that will always provide you with more than enough energy all the time.
In Gratitude